Wednesday 30 September 2009

My Ipod died

It did. I was listening to it before sleeping and all of a sudden plooof! it stopped working, I thought maybe the battery had died. But that wasn't the case...
And I'll only be able to get a new one for January. Just freaking great! :c

Also I found out my dad, whom I thought was a music connoisseur, doesn't know shit about music....
Yesterday we went to this restaurant and all of a sudden "We Can Work It Out" by The Beatles started playing, so I told my dad "listen!", as I thought he was a Beatles fan. And he went "huh?" "Oh! the music? It sounds familiar, who is it?"
Me: "The Beatles...."
My Dad: " Oh, really? But then it's not one of their most famous songs..."
Me: "Well, maybe not an ultimate single..."
My Dad: "Ah, okay" "Well you know, my favorite Beatles song is that one by Paul Mccartney, "Imagine""
Me: "Eh, do you mean by John Lennon????"
My Dad: "Oh, yeah, right, I always get them mixed up"


Then today in the car "Lust for Life" by Iggy Pop started playing, so I happily said "Iggy!", but I guess my dad didn't hear me, because towards the end of the song he said:
"I don't like this..."
Me: "You don't like Iggy Pop?!?"
My Dad: "Oh, is that Iggy?"
Me: "Yes"
My Dad: "Then I guess I don't like that song... But I do like his song, the one that's: baby, take a walk on the wild side"
Me: "Eh, that's from Lou Reed!"
My Dad: "Lou! Right... then I guess I don't like Iggy"


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