Wednesday 30 September 2009

My Ipod died

It did. I was listening to it before sleeping and all of a sudden plooof! it stopped working, I thought maybe the battery had died. But that wasn't the case...
And I'll only be able to get a new one for January. Just freaking great! :c

Also I found out my dad, whom I thought was a music connoisseur, doesn't know shit about music....
Yesterday we went to this restaurant and all of a sudden "We Can Work It Out" by The Beatles started playing, so I told my dad "listen!", as I thought he was a Beatles fan. And he went "huh?" "Oh! the music? It sounds familiar, who is it?"
Me: "The Beatles...."
My Dad: " Oh, really? But then it's not one of their most famous songs..."
Me: "Well, maybe not an ultimate single..."
My Dad: "Ah, okay" "Well you know, my favorite Beatles song is that one by Paul Mccartney, "Imagine""
Me: "Eh, do you mean by John Lennon????"
My Dad: "Oh, yeah, right, I always get them mixed up"


Then today in the car "Lust for Life" by Iggy Pop started playing, so I happily said "Iggy!", but I guess my dad didn't hear me, because towards the end of the song he said:
"I don't like this..."
Me: "You don't like Iggy Pop?!?"
My Dad: "Oh, is that Iggy?"
Me: "Yes"
My Dad: "Then I guess I don't like that song... But I do like his song, the one that's: baby, take a walk on the wild side"
Me: "Eh, that's from Lou Reed!"
My Dad: "Lou! Right... then I guess I don't like Iggy"


Friday 28 August 2009

Thursday 27 August 2009

oh noez!

I had forgotten my password ):
But I remembered it today...
I wanted to post last week because I had a great week:
I went to the movies twice, and saw Inglorious Basterds which I loved, I stayed home doing nothing A LOT, I slept a lot too, went to the Parisian music museum, went to a concert where I met MGMT : D and I got a new cellphone!
So it was pretty much a perfect week :3

Thursday 30 July 2009


It's 11 pm and I'm at one of my mother's friend's house, and for some reason I remembered my long forgotten and half abandonned blog.
So here you go blog, I'm writing this for you:
Dear blog;
I missed you (not really, but sort of).
You're really like a diary because no one reads your shit. You're an absolute waist of internet space, but I still some how love you (not really, but sort of). Tough love blog, tough love, that's what our relationship is like. You see blog (do you even have sight?) we are the only ones here, we are like a fucking small ecosystem, we need each other (not really, but sort of), because if we don't have each other than I'd just be a blogless blogger and you'd be a bloggerless blog.
So I promise I'll try to keep you company from time to time from now on. Until of course I decide to end your life by deleting you :)
C.U. (as in chewed unicorns, not as in "see you")

Monday 11 May 2009